Tag: mining
Battling a mining Goliath on two continents
Environmental activists have made some important strides in confronting the Australian mining company Lynas.
Amazon infrastructure puts 68% of indigenous lands / protected areas at...
"The central point of this study is to show the need of acquiring an integral vision of the region to fight the destruction that has been taking place.”
Is Canada’s new Ombudsperson for responsible enterprise really capable of remedying...
But what power for remedy will CORE really offer with their recommendations and suggestions?
Court blocks gold mining near Yellowstone National Park
"The court's ruling is a critical piece in protecting Yellowstone's Gateway from the menace of gold mining."
Unprecedented new map unveils illegal mining destroying Amazon
"The scope of illegal mining in the Amazon, especially in indigenous territories and protected natural areas, has grown exponentially in recent years, with the rise in the price of gold."
Trump admin. wants to make it easier to frack and mine...
"Instead of weakening protections, Trump should clean up the mess the mining industry has already left behind in our forests."
Ecuador endangered
From the cloud forests in the Andes to the indigenous territories in the headwaters of the Amazon, the Ecuadorean government has covertly granted these mining concessions to multinational mining companies from China, Australia, Canada, and Chile, amongst others.
National Monuments open for business: Mining and drilling to begin on...
Today marks the "largest rollback of protections for public lands and waters in U.S. history."