Tag: military spending
Military spending in 2019 hits highest increase in a decade
“The COVID-19 crisis has made clearer than ever the flaws in our system, one that prioritizes military spending and global instability over the well-being of our people.”
It’s our choice: Medicare for All, or endless war?
We could easily fund health care for all by ending military boondoggles and fruitless wars. Here’s how.
Military spending’s out of control while slashing it could easily fund...
Moment of truth on military spending in the NY Times.
Trump’s border wall pulls funding from military base schools and daycares
The Pentagon released a statement on Wednesday saying it has authorized $3.6 billion in military construction funds to help fund 175 miles...
Will the U.S. launch yet another unnecessary, unjustifiable war in the...
The definition of insanity: doing the same things over again and expecting a different result. Want a really good example of this...
US and China push global military spending to record high
U.S. military expenditure along accounted for 36 percent of total global military spending, as much as the next eight biggest-spending countries combined.
Water Water Everywhere…
I just interviewed former World Bank staff member and geopolitical analyst Peter Koenig via telephone at his home in Geneva. Koenig had...
Saving America and the world by slashing US military spending
Instead, we need to spend this huge totally wasted share of our national wealth on our own long neglected social needs and on saving this country and world from an increasingly obvious looming environmental catastrophe.
Bernie Sanders: Democrats need to rein in our out-of-control military spending
Democrats must challenge unnecessary spending and interventions—beginning with the war in Yemen.