Tag: Michael Bloomberg
Watch out Trump: Here comes the team of Biden, Obama, Sanders,...
It will be so interesting and very exciting to watch this formidable team in action. Many, many Americans will be tuning into their radios and TV channels to listen to what they say about Trump to take him down and out.
Bring everyone into the tent
We need to see that we are simply adopting the approach of FDR and the New Deal, and eliminating income inequality without bloodshed.
Billionaire Bloomberg is proving no amount of advertising can sell a...
Is Bloomberg an Edsel or a Pinto?
‘I bough…—I, I got them’: Bloomberg almost admits to buying members...
"We prefer our politicians unbought."
The corporate media is directly profiting from Mike Bloomberg’s rise as...
"...I don’t think any person in American history has ever spent more money cultivating an image in the public of himself as has Michael Bloomberg."
Citizen Mike: The Bloomberg campaign is a threat to the Democratic...
If the 2020 U.S. presidential election does become the ‘battle of billionaires’, the real losers will be the country’s working people.
Bloomberg for president? God no!
Will Bloomberg buy his way to the top or even to a brokered convention where he could buy the support of the Super Delegates?
Political and business leaders committed to fighting climate change meet at...
"We are not here just to speak but to be accountable. Here we will see what is working and what is not working. What we need is action."
Michael Bloomberg pledges $4.5 million to help US meet Paris Climate...
"America made a commitment, and as an American, if the government's not going to do it we all have responsibility."
Obama “Passes the Baton”
Obama celebrated “all that we’ve achieved together” last night, and while “we’ve still got more work to do,” argued that Hillary Clinton will “finish the job.”