Tag: Medicare For All
‘The time is now:’ Over 200 economists send a letter to...
"We encourage Congress to move forward with implementing a public financed Medicare for All plan to achieve the equitable and affordable universal health care system that the American people need."
This is how Medicare for All will save lives
The current administration is, however, moving in the opposite direction, trying to overturn the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which would end coverage for 21 million people.
Staff of Democratic lawmakers attend corporate lobbyists ‘luxury retreat’ pushing to...
Any "congressional staffer serious about finding solutions wouldn't touch that retreat with a 10-foot pole."
To be sick and not rich
Any version of Medicare for All would be likely to cost less, be so much simpler to access, and ultimately save lives.
#PeoplesWave Rises Up For #MedicareForAll
We took the streets because people – our people – are dying from corporate greed and government complacency. We need solutions to our health care crisis now, not later.
Private health insurance stocks ‘in free fall’ as Medicare for All...
"Insurance industry stocks dropping as the Medicare for All movement heats up – we've got some serious people power on our hands!"
Medicare for All: Accept no substitutes
There’s only one Medicare for All plan, and it deserves widespread support – from its friends, its current enemies, and all the people in between.
Let’s honor the legacy of Frances Perkins by fighting to expand...
Expanded Social Security and Medicare are important building blocks on the foundation laid down in 1935.
To create system that puts ‘patients ahead of profits,’ Sanders unveils...
"All Americans are entitled to go to the doctor when they're sick and not go bankrupt after staying in the hospital."
‘The status quo is not sustainable:’ How Medicare for All would...
More than 100 Democratic lawmakers co-sponsored a House bill last month to dramatically revamp healthcare in the United States by creating a Medicare-for-All system funded by the federal government.