Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tag: mainstream media

Trumping The Times

Fear and servility in midtown Manhattan.

Trump’s seven techniques to control the media

Historically, these seven techniques have been used by demagogues to erode the freedom and independence of the press.

Libeled by the Washington Post in a ‘false news’ McCarthyite attack...

Is the Pentagon behind this massive hit on independent journalism?

And so it begins: Normalizing the election

The media must not excuse the racism, misogyny, nativism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia because we think Trump voters have legitimate gripes.

TV news and its long dark night of the soul

Tunnel vision and faulty polls blinded television to what was happening during the election. But that’s not all.

Establishment media declares war on their competition as “fake news”

US News has published a list of websites that it deems unworthy of support, and is essentially urging to be de-monitized or banned based on the previous calls to action.

2016 as prologue, not aberration

Our media is strangling our democracy, and without a course correction it will only get worse.

Study Confirms Network Evening Newscasts Have Abandoned Policy Coverage For 2016...

It’s troubling that the networks have decided this year to walk away from their responsibility to help inform voters about key issues of public concern.

Tabloid Takedown of Bernie Sanders

What explains the unrepentant disdain the elite media cast on Sanders’ bold ideas and insurgent campaign? In short, class.

WikiLeaks’ 10 Most Damning Clinton Emails that Prove Mainstream Media is...

The reality revealed in these emails is one of media collusion with powerful interests, which only serve to keep the American people in the dark about what is actually transpiring.


How Donald Trump and Elon Musk are waging a deep and wide ‘uncivil war’

Historians and neuro-scientists show there are well-established psychological patterns that explain how personal fear fosters anger that leads to a need for action to eliminate the fear.

Schumer’s lack of fight is the real problem

Whether you read Chuck Schumer as surrendering or taking an unwise but principled stance, one thing is clear: People now want leaders who fight.

You’re wrong Elon. Social Security’s not the ‘Ponzi Scheme’–The ‘unrealized gains’– taxloophole is…

“At current interest and tax rates, it is far cheaper to borrow against the value of one's shares than to sell them and pay taxes on the gains.”

Israel’s renewed blockade and airstrikes leave Gaza’s children starving as Trump backs Netanyahu’s escalation

Human rights groups warn that these actions constitute grave violations of international law and could amount to war crimes.

Trump halted an agent orange cleanup. That puts hundreds of thousands at risk for...

Diplomats in Vietnam warned Washington that halting USAID’s efforts to clean up the massive deposit of postwar pesticides would be a catastrophe for public health and relations with a key strategic partner in Asia.