Tag: lawsuit
Greenpeace faces $300 million lawsuit that puts the longtime environmental nonprofit...
The trial began Monday in North Dakota, and, if successful, the lawsuit could bankrupt the nonprofit.
Elon Musk’s ‘thermonuclear’ lawsuit forces Media Matters to lay off dozens...
Months after Elon Musk’s defamation lawsuit, Media Matters announces layoffs, citing the financial burden of the ongoing legal battle.
Big oil clouded the science on extreme weather. Now it faces...
A collection of evidence reveals the industry’s efforts to deny the link between extreme weather and climate change.
Lawsuit challenges Trump’s eligibility for Oregon ballot citing 14th Amendment insurrection...
Non-profit Free Speech for People files legal challenge, arguing Trump violated the 14th amendment and should be barred from the Oregon ballot
‘Not surprised, but disgusted’: Fox avoids trial by settling with Dominion...
Critics said the financial agreement robbed the public of a trial that would have exposed the news network's lies about fraud during the 2020 election and its behind-the-scenes operations.
How Indigenous peoples won a landmark victory protecting the Amazon from...
The Waorani people of Ecuador won a historic lawsuit to save their homes – and the planet – from destruction.
Indigenous peoples go to court to save the Amazon from oil...
Historic lawsuit launched by the Waorani people of Ecuador to save their homes – and our planet – from destruction.
US sues Lockheed Martin and affiliates for alleged kickbacks at nuclear...
“This lawsuit demonstrates that the Department of Justice will work tirelessly to ensure that public funds are used for the important purposes for which they are intended.”
Bitter legal fight between climate deniers ends with $630,000 transfer to...
“The recent court cases against Schnare and FMELC show that they have sought to avoid even basic levels of accountability, all the while making careers out of subjecting scientists to bogus fishing expeditions in the name of 'transparency.'”
The next plaintiff Monsanto faces is set to go to trial
While Bayer continues to argue that there is no correlation between glyphosate and cancer, the second trial out of around 9,300 pending lawsuits will start in February.