Saturday, June 29, 2024

Tag: land use

Climate change and overuse degrade half of Earth’s pasture lands, endangering...

The UNCCD’s latest report reveals the alarming degradation of global rangelands, emphasizing the urgent need for sustainable management to secure food supplies and protect pastoral communities.



Why Trump is partnering with Christian Nationalists

Trump is playing to a rising white Christian Nationalist movement within the Republican Party.

Supreme Court dismisses Idaho abortion case without ruling

In a 6-3 decision, "justices issued separate concurring and dissenting opinions, suggesting division on the merits of Idaho’s argument."

Sanders unveils billionaire plot to undermine US public education: $9 million spent to sway...

A new report by Sen. Bernie Sanders exposes a well-funded campaign by right-wing billionaires to privatize public education and divert critical funds from public schools.

An election in danger?

Even if we get through the 2024 election cycle intact and violence-free, the task of election reform remains both essential and, sadly, all too ignored.