Tag: Jon Ossoff
Would a Berniecrat have won Ossoff’s Georgia race?
Democrats must turn sharply left on both economic and social issues if they are to have a chance of regaining Congress in the future.
The lessons we learned from Jon Ossoff’s defeat
The efforts to build an independent capacity to recruit, train, and support populist candidates up and down the ticket should be redoubled.
Ossoff’s loss is further proof: Democrats’ path to power is through...
The results in Georgia show that the Trump resistance can show up to the polls, but centrism isn’t a strategy to win.
Karen Handel and voter suppression in Georgia’s 6th
If it wasn't for Crosscheck and Voter ID, would we be calling Jon Ossoff Congressman by now?
It’s time Democrats change their stories about the deficit
Democrats should be talking about the type of society that we will be giving to our kids, not shaving a few dollars off the interest payments on the debt.
100 days of whoppers
Donald Trump, the candidate we dubbed the ‘King of Whoppers’ in 2015, has held true to form as president.
What other countries know: Fairer representation makes a stronger democracy
A democratic country – or community – ought to be self-governing in a way that allows every member a fair part in effective political discussion.
How special elections could cost the Republicans
This week, Georgia heads to the polls. Last week, the GOP in Kansas barely earned a win.