Tag: Joe Biden
Whatcha we gonna do?
Unity between Biden and Sanders is possible. Unity is the way to defeat Trump and bring change to America.
NYT writes post-mortems for a Sanders campaign it did its best...
The coronavirus may have halted most campaigning for now—but it evidently has not stopped anti-Sanders media bias.
A new major political party
The People’s Party should work actively to drain Bernie-ites from the Democratic Party.
‘It shattered my life’: Former Joe Biden staffer Tara Reade says...
Reade told journalist Katie Halper in an interview published Tuesday that Biden repeatedly touched her without her consent and sexually assaulted her.
No debates, Joe; a discussion
If Biden and Bernie can have public discussions about important platform and personnel issues, the likelihood is that they could find genuine compromises and form a real coalition.
The invisible candidate and the progressive lion
As Americans on the progressive left might have expected, the one politician who is responding with the seriousness and the kind of reassuring competence that his fellow citizens need in such a difficult time, is Bernie Sanders.
Here’s how progressives scored 3 major wins in Illinois
A successful progressive campaign needs to have the right message and agenda and the right relationship between a candidate with vision and credibility and longer-term progressive infrastructure.
What’s Bernie’s next move? A coalition with Biden?
But with the coronavirus plague sweeping the country, Biden and Bernie should take the time to negotiate a coalition platform and even write the new laws on which they can both agree.
What the coronavirus emergency has to do with Biden vs. Sanders
A pair of campaign documents released this week by each candidate convey big differences in approach to the current unprecedented crisis.
Outside groups pour money into Biden support
With the odds in Biden’s favor, Priorities USA will now be the largest outside group in the race, and will use some of that budget backing the former vice president.