Tag: inequality
Santa Clara Police Union Threatens To Boycott 49ers Games Due To...
There has been extensive national debates over Kaepernick’s actions in the past week, and the quarterback has been working to get the conversation back on track.
Terror, Tennis Balls and Tamir Rice
Fatal inequality will continue to terrorize this nation until we genuinely commit to confronting racism and gun violence.
Black Republican Senator Says He’s Been Repeatedly Stopped By Police In...
"I do not know many African American men who do not have a very similar story to tell, no matter their profession."
Can the United States Transcend White Supremacy?
The accomplishments of the freedom struggle, anti-lynching campaigns, the civil-rights movement are not insignificant. But that doesn’t change the white-supremacist roots and contemporary reality of the United States.
Inequality’s Getting Worse. How Do We End This?
It will take years of work to repair the economic damage caused by these levels of inequality.
Why Is the Racial Wealth Gap Widening? And What Should Be...
All these steps would allow families to invest in their own futures – which is the surest way out of poverty. All of us benefit when everyone has the opportunity to accumulate wealth.
New Evidence That Women Make Less Than Their Male Coworkers With...
Women can't escape unequal pay.
If I Were the American Dictator
“The overall composition of Congress is not going to change much at all after the election. So, really, the only way to reboot America is to have a smart, benevolent dictator.”
How Corporate Bamboozlers Intend to Widen Inequality in America
We don't need any institute to tell us who would benefit from TPP. All we need to know is that it was negotiated in strict secrecy with global corporate elites while we consumers and workers were locked out.
Disposable Children
Wealthy Americans are justifying the neglect of our nation's children by blaming the victims—children of the poor. In a perversely unequal nation, are children of all ages deemed disposable?