Tag: impeachment
Ukraine scandal shows the squad was right about impeaching Trump, &...
"At this point, the bigger national scandal isn't the president's lawbreaking behavior - it is the Democratic Party's refusal to impeach him for it."
The real reason for impeachment
This may not be the political thing to do. But in order to safeguard our democracy, it is the right thing to do.
Seriously want a Green New Deal? Demand Trump’s climate-based impeachment
"We should impeach Trump for his beyond-criminal climate policy."
Enough hesitation, House: Impeach
"Trump's disregard of the law and all democratic principles cannot be ignored."
Climate terrorism: The politically farsighted way to impeach Trump
In short, there are potent Constitutional grounds to impeach Trump for climate terrorism, and doing so would forcefully deter any Republican “rightist revolutionary” from pursuing similar ecocidal policies.
Republicans, Democrats; solemn oaths of office, the US Constitution
Will the American people, becoming fully aware of all the elements of this impeachment process and the extensive evidence presented, then stand by and support Democrats and also castigate Republicans for their disloyalty to their country?
To impeach or not – is that the question?
The tragic miss to chronic crimes: refusing to learn from error.
It’s time for the Democratic Party to stand up
How about the Democrats start showing leadership on principle to shape public opinion, rather than waiting passively for public opinion to move their way?
Robert Reich: The House now has a Constitutional duty to impeach...
This may not be the practical political thing to do. But it is the right thing to do.
Still mandatory: Impeach the vast right-wing conspiracy, not just Trump
Until reactionary Republican malfeasance is exposed and discredited, the USA will remain the most divided, globally dangerous and morally backward of affluent western nations.