Tag: human rights
Is the US legal system at war with its people?
Incarcerations, brutality, and torture are common in the U.S. Activists claim that this amounts to a war waged against racially marginalized, poor, and working-class people.
How can we improve health care access for LGBTQ individuals in...
Doctors, nurses, administrators, lawmakers and voters should come together to make positive changes that transform medical spaces into inclusive environments for all patients.
How Alex Jones helped enrich the global elites he railed against
The bombastic conspiracy theorist paved the road of misinformation for decades, creating a perfect setting for Trump’s presidency, and ultimately benefiting the very elites he claimed were out to exterminate humanity.
The U.S. is a world outlier on abortion restrictions
The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade is part of a pattern of American exceptionalism that harms people in both the U.S. and the rest of the world.
8 billion humans? Population is a difficult conversation, but we need...
It’s time to rethink our broken and unfair family planning systems.
What pundit Ezra Klein doesn’t get about parenting in a looming...
It’s a matter of math: Bigger families mean more carbon emissions.
How corporate food monopolies caused the baby formula scandal
The fact that a handful of companies produce the majority of our food means that small disruptions will have big impacts. This time the impacts are borne by American babies.
Our bodies, societies and planet are inflamed for the same reasons
Raj Patel and Rupa Marya coauthored the book Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice to highlight the connections between health and structural injustice.
Our country is trading children’s lives for guns
Guns have become an intimate part of American culture, one that is fed by gun-makers and the gun lobby, the right-wing media and Hollywood, and of course the Republican Party. Our children are paying the price.
What we can learn from the first woman-run, legal abortion clinic
This is why the struggle continues: Women’s rights are human rights!