Tag: Hillary Clinton
As Hillary Stalls, Where’s the Democratic Bench?
Polling indicates a nasty downward slide spotlighting all things people distrust about Hillary Clinton. So where's the Democratic relief pitcher after the starter bombs and where might this put progressives?
President Hillary Clinton’s Middle East Policy: Interventions, Wars, More of Same
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will bring substantial foreign policy expertise to the thorny issues happening around the world. But will she get the U.S. heavily involved in the region again?
The Defining Moment, and Hillary Rodham Clinton
At a time when average working people need a president who will fight for them, the question is whether Hillary Clinton is willing to be bold and to fight. This is a defining moment for Democrats, America and Clinton, herself.
Media’s Email Hysteria: Why Are Republicans Exempt?
If a private email account is so shocking to mainstream media, why was there barely any talk about the millions of emails that disappeared during the Bush years? The current hysteria seems to reveal the intense press prejudice against Hillary Clinton by several well-placed Washington journalists.
Will Hillary Take Plutocratic ‘Clinton, Inc.’ Global?
Welcome to the new series, “The Hero of a Thousand Escapes.” What other celebrity political duo instantly transforms any election into melodrama at best, family intrigue at worse, rife with influence peddling, suspect donations, policy failures (NAFTA, health care), strategic blunders (Libya, Syria, China), and bungled secrecy that inevitably gets unmasked? The greatest downside to President Hillary is elevation of first female whose gender novelty promises no jolts to the grievous status quo nor confrontation to the plutocracy that funds it (and her). Forget her age: Hillary's range (and clientele) represent something new and more dangerous.
Is This a Scandal—Or a ‘Scandal?’
It seems Hillary Clinton didn't breach security or violate any federal record-keeping statutes—the laws were tightened after she left office. With no actual evidence of wrongdoing by Clinton and her staff, what do Republicans and their media enablers expect to find now?