Tag: Hillary Clinton
Greasing the Outstretched Palms of the Candidates
Two reports underline the suffocating influence of corporate America on politics and the tricks banks play on taxpayers.
NBC’s Presidential Forum Continued the Shameful Corporate Coverage of the Great...
It was a low, wretched performance, by the network and both candidates, full of fluff and posturing and Alice in Wonderland statements of policy along with an almost complete derogation of authority by the anchors.
Why Hillary Should Fulfill Bill’s Promise on Pay
Hillary Clinton has proposed penalizing pharmaceutical companies like Mylan that suddenly jack up the prices of crucial drugs. But she could take it even farther.
A Brief History of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
“Let’s take a look at the history of these world-famous personalities.”
Pay For Play? The Scandal Is Judicial Watch Misleading Gullible Media
Perhaps it is time for someone in the media to investigate its conduct.
Hillary Clinton, the Podesta Group and the Saudi Regime: A Fatal...
The Clintons have said that if Hillary Clinton gets elected, the foundation will stop taking foreign donations. But what about no longer taking campaign contributions from people who are paid by the Saudi government to whitewash its image?
Groups Ask Clinton For “Unequivocal Statement” On Lame-Duck TPP Vote
“Your continued leadership is sadly necessary as President Obama refuses to abandon this unpopular deal.”
Clinton’s Transition Team: A Corporate Presidency Foretold
Clinton’s smooth rhetoric should not change the fact that -- on a vast array of issues -- basic principles will require progressives to fight against her actual policy goals, every step of the way.
21 Numbers to Know About the 2016 White House Race
New facts, figures that help explain the presidential election.
The Real Way the 2016 Election Is Rigged
Despite what the media tells you, the Democrats will not take the House in November. Here’s why.