Thursday, October 17, 2024

Tag: higher education

Winners (and losers) in New York’s plan to make college free

The first-in-the-nation scholarship program would serve about 1.5 million full-time students. But there are downsides.

For-Profit Colleges Are Scandal Machines

This corrupt higher education "industry" ought to be put out of business.

Higher Education: Capitalism at Its Most Despicable

Public colleges have long been expected to benefit from academic research. But that all changed in 1980 with the Bayh-Dole Act. Now universities are more deeply entrenched in the capitalist world—a true degradation of higher education.

Scott Walker Cuts Higher-Ed Budget, Funds Corporate Welfare

Scott Walker claims he wants to be America's next president. But with a track record of slashing funding for higher education, busting unions and going after welfare recipients, is this what America really needs?

It’s Time to Free Students from Debt

"Democracy has to be born anew every generation, and education is its midwife." It's time we free students from debt and create a new debt-free democracy.

How Big Corporations Cheat Public Education

Corporations have been reaping the benefits of public education in the U.S. for more than 60 years and instead, are "skipping out on the taxes meant to sustain the educational system." Guess who suffers from repeated school cutbacks?

Student Debt: A Penalty the Poor Pay for Not Being Wealthy

There are two options for our future generations: get an education and agree to inescapable debt, or don’t get an education and the possibility of employment goes out the window. Student debt has become a trap.

Why College Isn’t (and Shouldn’t Have to be) for Everyone

Why do we encourage our young people through a single funnel called a four-year college education? It’s time we stop pressuring every young person to go to college and, instead, offer an alternative route into the middle class.


New law requires clothing companies in California to have recycling program in place by...

Companies producing clothing, bedding, towels and upholstery are now mandated by law to administer and fund the repair, reuse and recycling of their products statewide.

World told act now or face 136 years of hunger, report warns

The report blames the combined crises of conflict, climate change, high food prices and mounting debt, all of which are denying billions of people the right to adequate food. 

‘Should shame the world’: Famine takes hold in Gaza as Israel cuts off food...

Israel's obstruction of humanitarian assistance and repeated attacks on aid convoys have sparked catastrophe in the Palestinian enclave.

Ex-State Dept. official: Israel is starving Gaza now. We can’t wait another 30 days...

We speak with Josh Paul, a former State Department official who resigned last October over the push to increase arms sales to Israel.

The first gas utility sued for climate deception

The company has portrayed gas as “safe, clean, and environmentally friendly,” despite the fact that methane, its primary component, is 80 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.