Friday, January 10, 2025

Tag: health

Koch Brothers-backed group tries to stand in the way as states...

The National Federation of Independent Business, a Koch Brothers-backed lobbying group, leads the way in campaigning against paid sick leave throughout the U.S

GOP sides with Monsanto, threatens to cut off WHO funding for...

Several Republicans once again side with Monsanto and put American's health on the line.

Bernie Sanders calls for Big Pharma to testify before Congress just...

"It is time for Congress to investigate this crisis, to learn what the drug companies knew and to hold them accountable for the tens of thousands of people who have died."

Which path to national improved Medicare for All?

The solution to preserving our social health systems is to make them universal.

Bernie Sanders just sidestepped corporate media to promote Medicare for All...

A live-streamed town hall on healthcare policy is “a little bit revolutionary” and a cause for hope.

EPA to allow minors to be exposed to highly toxic pesticides

Unfortunately, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt will continue to side with industry interests over science and citizen health.

Children’s Health Insurance Program in trouble – funding to end in January

"We are unable to say with certainty whether there is enough funding for every state to continue its CHIP program through March 31, 2018.”

Healthcare crisis – The only solution is Holistic Living

Sticking to status quo guarantees a disastrous future in which an increasingly unhealthy and unhappy society will be crushed by the ever-rising financial burden of healthcare.

75% of world’s honey laced with pesticides

The impact on bees of continuing to use these pesticides is expected to have widespread consequences.


Phoenix places 10th on worst zoo List, pledges to shut down elephant exhibit

Phoenix Zoo’s decision is part of a growing trend among zoos across North America with about 40 zoos closing their elephant exhibits and many more pledging to close their exhibits.

The Santa Ana by Joan Didion

Written by Joan Didion, The Santa Ana ("Los Angeles Notebook"/Slouching Towards Bethlehem) was published in The Saturday Evening Post in 1965.

LA wildfires destroy homes as insurers abandon policyholders in high-risk areas

Insurance companies pull out of fire-prone areas, leaving homeowners scrambling for coverage amid record-breaking climate disasters.

Can nonviolent struggle defeat a dictator? This database emphatically says yes

The Global Nonviolent Action Database details some 40 cases of mass movements overcoming tyrants through strategic nonviolent campaigns.

GOP attack on Medicaid puts millions of Americans at risk of losing coverage

Republicans push Medicaid cuts that could leave millions without health coverage.