Tag: health
US health care ranks last among the 11 developed nations
The Commonwealth Fund's evaluation report noted that "a drastic change in course" is needed to compete with similar nations.
Lead exposure linked to 412,000 premature deaths in US each year
"Lead represents a leading cause of disease and death, and it is important to continue our efforts to reduce environmental lead exposure."
Various studies continue to confirm cannabis use reduces opioid use and...
"Cannabis can decrease the use of other prescription medicines, including opioids."
Judge to decide if Monsanto Roundup cancer lawsuits move forward at...
During the week-long hearing – dubbed "Science Week" – epidemiologists, oncologists, toxicologists and other scientists representing both sides will offer testimony about glyphosate.
The Big Pharma family that brought us the opioid crisis
Purdue Pharma, the drug pushers, have caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, enough fatalities to decrease overall U.S. life expectancy at birth for the last two years running.
Court orders Trump administration to enforce Obama-era methane rule
Judge William Orrick of the U.S. District Court for Northern California ruled that the Bureau of Land Management's decision was "untethered to evidence."
New study concludes some bottled water is actual tap water
Unknowingly, American's are paying $16 billion a year to drink water from a bottle that would otherwise be free, or cost a fraction of the price.
Long live the Jersey tomato
Instead of trying to squeeze nature into a high-tech, corporate model, our food system should cooperate with nature.
Trump’s ‘Harvest Box’ delivers an empty promise
The administration and its GOP allies are threatening these Americans with even greater hunger and privation.
Trump’s proposed budget slashes SNAP funding and ends recipients’ ability to...
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as food stamps, will no longer be in monetary form and instead recipients will receive "USDA Foods package."