Tag: health
Corporate media ignore international cooperation as shortcut to coronavirus vaccine
"Imagine how much faster the research would advance if these researchers were working in collaboration, sharing their results with each other..."
What we need to understand about asymptomatic carriers if we’re going...
ProPublica’s health reporter Caroline Chen explains what the conversation around asymptomatic coronavirus carriers is missing, and what we need to understand if we’re going to beat this nefarious virus together.
Taxpayers paid millions to design a low-cost ventilator for a pandemic....
As coronavirus sweeps the globe, there is not a single Trilogy Evo Universal ventilator — developed with government funds — in the U.S. stockpile.
Public health first
The richest nation in the world surely has enough resources to keep its people safe at home for as long as it takes.
Having it easy in the beginning, tough in the end
How my dad predicted the decline of America...
Set to approve $4.5 trillion to bail out corporations, Trump White...
"As governors and local leaders around the country are making clear, private efforts without more extensive government support are proving far from sufficient to meet the current and anticipated needs."
Why is the US so exceptionally vulnerable to COVID-19?
This is why the U.S. has so quickly become the center of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We won’t go back to normal, because normal was the problem
When a global pandemic strikes, the private-sector austerity model simply falls apart.
Trump will not use Defense Production Act to order manufacturing of...
With prices rising, supplies lacking, and healthcare officials working endlessly, the importance of vital medical equipment should not be negotiable.
‘Humanitarian solidarity’: even under US sanctions, Cuba sends doctor brigade to...
"It just goes to the history of Cuba’s deep and long-lasting commitment to humanitarian solidarity with other countries.”