Tag: health
As rich countries shield pharma monopolies, just 0.2% of COVID vaccine...
"The problem is not getting vaccines out of COVAX; the problem is getting them in."
A post-COVID-19 recovery will not be possible if water, sanitation &...
The global economy and a concerted effort, coordination and imagination is needed to enable not only a worldwide recovery, but also to ensure that the world’s poorest people are not left behind.
Rich nations are getting vaccines, poor countries not: Which is a...
“Between them, G7 nations have secured enough vaccines for every one of their citizens to be vaccinated three times over, while many poor countries are yet to receive a single dose."
Chlorpyrifos ‘has no place on food’: 100 organizations urge EPA to...
"It is time for the Biden administration to demonstrate its commitment to science, children, and farmworkers and finish the job."
5 ways to address internalized white supremacy and its impact on...
In this era of multiple pandemics, discussing the impact of internalized racism on our health is crucial to furthering Black resistance, healing and emancipation.
Psychedelic drug in clinical trial to help stroke victims recover by...
Algernon Pharmaceuticals, a Canadian-based company, began its study this week in which stroke participants will be given a microdose of DMT with the hope of minimizing damage and maximizing recovery.
Lancet report: 40% of US COVID deaths were preventable. The country...
One of the report’s recommendations is reforming the system to a single-payer model like Medicare for All, which President Joe Biden has so far rejected in favor of bolstering the Affordable Care Act.
‘We’ve let the worst happen’: Reflecting on 400,000 dead
Eight months later, with 300,000 additional American lives lost and the chaotic distribution of the vaccine underway, Caroline Chen, health care reporter, shares her thoughts on where we are and what happens next.
Reports of racial disparities in COVID vaccines distort science
Out of context numbers and percentages only create public misunderstanding of the scientific results.
Trump administration rejects scientists’ advice on nutrition, maintaining guidelines for sugar...
This "will impact eating habits, school lunch menus, and food stamp policies," and will lead to "poor health" for Americans.