Tag: health care
Protesters rise up to block health care repeal
It is clear that people in the United States will not tolerate changes that drive millions of more people off of health insurance.
Is health care a commodity or right?
It’s time for a real health care revolution of, by and for the people!
How privatization cuts us in two, while public institutions make us...
More profits for the privatizers, more health concerns and expense and disdain for the public.
GOP senator: Republicans have a “responsibility” to repeal the affordable care...
"Republicans campaigned on this so often that you have a responsibility to carry out what you said in the campaign."
Jimmy Kimmel to Sen. Bill Cassidy: “Stop using my name!”
“Most of the congresspeople who vote on this bill probably won’t even read it.”
If you don’t have good health care, neither should your rep
Until they deliver for the whole public, the public owes them nothing.
As Sanders prepared Medicare bill, health care lobbyists bankrolled Senate...
Since 2010, Democratic senators who have refused to sponsor the bill have raised twice as much insurance industry cash as those who support the legislation.
What Cuba can teach us about health care
Even Trump supporters agree we can learn something from the country’s universal, low-cost health care system. It’s that good.
‘Red alert’ sounded: Trumpcare is back, more brutal and deadly than...
Sen. Bernie Sanders called the new Obamacare repeal plan “yet another disastrous Republican proposal to throw millions of people off health insurance.”
The 3 Americans who should pay for Medicare-for-All
Will the super-rich support American health?