Tag: health care
Federal judge rules in favor of women on birth control
“This is just the first step, but today is a critical victory for millions of women and families and for the rule of law.”
The moral urgency of mental health
Western governments are neglecting an opportunity to reduce the great misery caused by mental illness, even though the net cost would be nil.
Leading Democrats are way behind the public on health care
60 percent of Americans support single payer health care. So why is the party leadership dragging its feet?
One nation, in sickness and in health
Time and again, "repeal and replace" has proven to be a farce. Let's focus on the hard work of true reform and get health care for all.
Tax cuts for the rich, paid for with your health care
The plan to raid our health care is buried in the GOP tax scheme and budget process.
Florida doctor under investigation after cussing out patient and stealing phone
“Get your money and get the hell out! See ya later.”
Do better than a rip-off health care system
Universal care would unite our society under the essential democratic principle that we Americans really are "all in this together."
Our health care system is a corporate care system
Why is our health system flailing? Because its guiding ethic is profit, not care.
The fight for single payer has transformed the health care debate....
During CNN’s Monday night debate about the Affordable Care Act, it became clear that progressives have set the terms of discussion.
GOP health repeal is an immoral affront to the American people
The 49 Republican Senators still lined up to vote for the bill exposing their contempt for the American people.