Tag: health care
Why lifting tariffs during the COVID-19 crisis is bad for America’s...
Congress must leave the steel and aluminum tariffs in place and redouble efforts to find new uses for American products.
My breast cancer journey revealed the flaws of an unjust health...
Our ability to care for ourselves during a health crisis should not be dependent on generous employers or on our zip code.
A new model for health care respects indigenous agency
In Canada, Inuit and academic health care researchers have teamed up to combat poor cultural awareness in mainstream health care services.
Even the grim reaper favors the rich
The Republicans’ pro-wealth, anti-labor and anti-social welfare campaigns are pushing people over a cliff before they live long enough to become grannies.
No one should have to bargain for health care
As the GM strike shows, employers use their workers’ health as a bargaining chip. Medicare for All would end that.
The AMA stops us from getting health care
It’s time to put patients first for once in this country, and offer Medicare For All to every American.
Private health insurance stocks ‘in free fall’ as Medicare for All...
"Insurance industry stocks dropping as the Medicare for All movement heats up – we've got some serious people power on our hands!"
We gave Pharma a blank check, now we’re paying the bill
We can and should ask our policymakers to rewrite the rules of our economy and rebuild a pharmaceutical industry that is designed to serve the needs of patients, not profits.
Crowdfunding Medicare for us all
I believe that anyone covered under Medicare for All should be permitted to obtain services anywhere in the world, so long as the services are similar to those provided in the United States and at a price that is no greater than that charged in the U.S.
Kaiser Permanente launches medical school with free tuition for the first...
With Kaiser Permanente's recent announcement, it is now the second medical school in the United States to become tuition-free and "eliminate the financial barrier to achieving a medical degree."