Tag: Goldman Sachs
Trump’s Goldman Sachs vampire squid presidency
Headline after headline explains that Trump has hired “yet another” veteran of the firm.
Trump stands up for bad bankers
Trump has let the American people know whose side he’s on, and it’s not theirs.
‘Populist’ Trump punks his fans
In Trump's economy, there will be winners and – as he would say – losers. Can you guess which the bankers will be?
Trump: The Dress Rehearsal for Fascism
Our system of inverted totalitarianism has within it the seeds of an overt or classical fascism.
Ding-Dong! Goldman Sachs Just Ate Denmark For Breakfast
A battle has been lost for democracy and accountability, while the pockets of the rich and powerful have grown further.
Who Says Crime Doesn’t Pay?
One more reason Wall Street bankers privately wink and grin at these seemingly huge punishments is that even paying the full $5 billion would only be relatively painful.
Crime Can Pay if It’s Big Enough
For banksters like Goldman Sachs, federal criminal settlements are just a cost of doing business.
Wall Street’s Fraud of the Week Club
“Despite the evidence, many people still see these banks and the people who run them as respectable corporate citizens. In the words of that unnamed Goldman Sachs executive: If they only knew.”
Hillary Clinton Refuses to Say If She Will Release Copies of...
“Two weeks ago, Clinton laughed when The Intercept’s Lee Fang asked Clinton if she would release the transcripts of her paid speeches.”