Tag: globalization
Tariffs don’t protect jobs. Don’t be fooled.
When employees have become their own employers, they will make the quantities and qualities of a society’s jobs a key policy objective rather than a side-effect of policies focused elsewhere.
Will the coronavirus kill globalization?
The Spanish flu helped herald the collapse of the first wave of modern globalization. A century later, could the coronavirus do the same?
How liberals left the white working class behind
White working-class anger has been simmering for decades, due to globalization, wage stagnation, and the myth of meritocracy.
Sanctions backfire: US is being left behind
At present, the United States is waging an economic World War targeting much of the world economy, including allies who refuse to comply with U.S. mandates.
Power dynamics changing in world order
The U.S. has dominated the world for too long and must learn to become a cooperative partner.
Stiglitz Speaks: Globalization’s Grand Failure, Apple & Bad Trade Deals
Why do so many policymakers in Europe and the United States continue to push globalization, despite the evidence?