Thursday, October 17, 2024

Tag: generic drugs

Americans deserve publicly owned generic drugs

Bold policies could have saved America’s largest generic drug plant, but it’s never too late to start putting communities first.

Why your generic drugs may not be safe and the FDA...

Unfortunately for those who turn to generics to save money, the FDA relies heavily on the honor system with foreign manufacturers, and U.S. consumers get burned.

Bottle of lies: How poor FDA oversight & fraud in generic...

In her new explosive book “Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom,” investigative journalist Katherine Eban works with two industry whistleblowers to expose how some manufacturers are cutting corners at the cost of quality and safety.

Elizabeth Warren introduces bill that would lower drug costs

“The solution here is not to replace markets, but to fix them. The Affordable Drug Manufacturing Act will introduce more competition into the prescription drug market, and bring down prices for consumers.”

Short supplies and price increases give major hospital systems and philanthropies...

"The folks who are gouging people and creating shortages, they know who they are. And they're the ones who should be very concerned."

Big Pharma’s charging you 10,000 times more for these pills

This is a serious problem for many of those suffering from neglected tropical diseases in the U.S. who are unable to afford the medications they need.

Sanders Report Finds Skyrocketing Drug Prices Cost Taxpayers $1.4 Billion

“It is unacceptable that Americans pay, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs,” asserted Sanders.


New law requires clothing companies in California to have recycling program in place by...

Companies producing clothing, bedding, towels and upholstery are now mandated by law to administer and fund the repair, reuse and recycling of their products statewide.

World told act now or face 136 years of hunger, report warns

The report blames the combined crises of conflict, climate change, high food prices and mounting debt, all of which are denying billions of people the right to adequate food. 

‘Should shame the world’: Famine takes hold in Gaza as Israel cuts off food...

Israel's obstruction of humanitarian assistance and repeated attacks on aid convoys have sparked catastrophe in the Palestinian enclave.

Ex-State Dept. official: Israel is starving Gaza now. We can’t wait another 30 days...

We speak with Josh Paul, a former State Department official who resigned last October over the push to increase arms sales to Israel.

The first gas utility sued for climate deception

The company has portrayed gas as “safe, clean, and environmentally friendly,” despite the fact that methane, its primary component, is 80 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.