Tag: gender equality
Who will speak up for my child, the drag queen?
I will be equally proud of my country when enough of us stand up strongly for the right to, and value of, gender fluidity.
AOC strikes back
“The politics of our moment are dominated by a bully of miserable character, a President who has failed to contain a pandemic through sheer indifference, who has fabricated a reëlection campaign based on bigotry and the deliberate inflammation of division.”
Beyond #Metoo, 3 movements making a difference for gender equity
From closing the wage gap and protecting reproductive rights to ending gender-based sexual exploitation, the push to support and empower women and nonbinary people has roots that date back generations.
Women’s health is on the chopping block, again
Defunding Planned Parenthood could cause a national health crisis for low-income women – and men, too.
Women in the Changing World of Work – Planet 50-50 by...
Navigating the progression of gender equality to a sustainable future demands a change to institutional language.
Measuring the Moral Posture of Rand Paul
Senator Rand Paul criticized the Clinton Foundation for accepting money from Saudi Arabian agencies when these agencies do not believe in gender equality. This coming from the man who would not help pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, who co-sponsored the Blunt Amendment, and who sponsored a constitutional amendment to outlaw abortion.