Saturday, September 7, 2024

Tag: Gaza

Sanders calls for aid halt as US arms fuel Israel’s blockade

"The U.S. cannot partner with a country that is starving children."

Palestinian American Dr. walks out of Biden meeting, hands him letter...

The curtailed meeting was itself met with protests, including from Palestinian American emergency room physician Dr. Thaer Ahmad, who walked out after handing Biden a letter from an 8-year-old orphaned Palestinian girl

Lavender’s lethal legacy: AI-driven warfare and the human cost in Gaza

This shift towards algorithmic target selection has ostensibly streamlined operations, but at a significant cost.

Uproar as State Department official criticizes UN expert following report on...

Matthew Miller's comments came after Albanese presented a report concluding that actions by Israel in Gaza could be classified as genocide, sparking a fierce debate on the international stage.

Israeli airstrike claims lives of seven World Central Kitchen aid workers...

The team was leaving a warehouse in the city of Deir al-Balah after unloading over 100 tons of food intended for distribution to Palestinians in dire need.

Latest huge transfer of 2,000-pound bombs from US to Israel not...

The saying that “justice delayed is justice denied” has a parallel for news media and war—journalism delayed is journalism denied.

Grave violations unveiled: IDF’s lethal force against unarmed Gazans captured on...

The backdrop of this incident is a conflict that has claimed over 32,500 Palestinian lives since October 7, as reported by Gaza's Health Ministry.

Israel’s defiance of world court amid Gaza’s humanitarian crisis sparks global...

Amidst this backdrop of defiance and tragedy, global leaders are raising their voices against the continued aggression.

Naked hypocrisy: The US once cited UNSC resolutions to invade Iraq,...

Washington’s hypocrisy on this matter is legendary and stunning.

Desperation and danger: Gaza’s aid crisis turns tragic with 12 Palestinians...

Amidst a blockade and escalating starvation in Gaza, a misguided attempt to deliver aid results in unforeseen tragedy, spotlighting the dire need for secure and dignified humanitarian access.


Corporate greed exposed: Kroger admits to price gouging on milk and eggs amid antitrust...

A top Kroger executive admits to inflating milk and egg prices above the rate of inflation

The ‘weavings’ of a wacko: The fakery of grinding Trump hokum into brilliance

“I never ramble, I only ‘weave,’”/ Thus doubling down ways to deceive.

Knowledge is power. Gaza war supporters don’t want students to have both.

Silence is complicity, and that’s the way Israel’s allies like it. For them, the new academic term restarts a threat to the status quo.

The New Yorker publishes 2005 Haditha, Iraq massacre photos Marines ‘didn’t want the world...

The graphic images show dead Iraqi men, women and children, many of them shot in the head at close range.

Republican judge blocks student debt relief rule before it’s finalized, delaying relief for millions

The Biden administration has been working to alleviate the burden of student loans, especially for long-term borrowers who have been repaying loans for decades.