Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tag: gas

What is our land for?

Should we graze it, log it, drill it, and mine it? Or should we preserve it, study it, recreate in it, and revere it?

Methane leaks from oil and gas 60% higher than EPA estimates,...

“Instead of looking for ways to patch up inherently flawed energy approaches like gas fracking we should be placing an immediate moratorium on all fossil fuel development."

New investigation pins Koch brothers to ‘anti-transit canvassing campaigns’

While the development of public transit is seen by many as "positive for both impoverished communities and the environment," it hurts the Koch brothers' bottom line.

Oil pipeline CEO tells Federal Energy Conference: ‘It’s a great time...

The EIA conference, hosted by the federal agency that tracks energy industry trends and statistics, would focus on a decidedly different topic: the booming oil and gas industry.

Pope urges oil companies to lead clean energy transition in unprecedented...

"Civilization requires energy, but energy use must not destroy civilization."

Despite ancient rock art legacy, BLM leases land for fossil fuel...

Despite development objectives from tribal and environmental groups, the BLM is leasing part of Emery County for fossil fuel exploration.

Trump administration to auction off public land in Northern Arizona to...

"This is Trump's energy dominance policy at work, where nothing matters except fossil-fuel interests."

California is fighting Trump’s offshore drilling plan, but Exxon, Koch already...

Drilling agreements on the books before 1982 have been allowed to continue, and that's where ExxonMobil, Koch, and other companies come into play.

Court orders Trump administration to enforce Obama-era methane rule

Judge William Orrick of the U.S. District Court for Northern California ruled that the Bureau of Land Management's decision was "untethered to evidence."

ExxonMobil’s climate disinformation campaign is still alive and well

The company is still very much engaged behind the scenes in trying to stymie any government attempt to seriously address climate change.


Norway reaches historic milestone as electric vehicles outnumber petrol cars for the first time

Norway’s rapid transition to electric vehicles, a global first, shows the impact of policy incentives and ambitious climate goals, setting the pace for the rest of the world.

Trump-appointed judges continue assault on workers’ rights by undermining NLRB

In a move that could reshape labor rights across the country, these judges are granting preliminary injunctions to companies that argue the NLRB’s structure violates the U.S. Constitution.

Sisyphus Trump maniacally replays 2015, with repeated, inflammatory media blitzes. But that gambit...

How many unforced errors—the Arlington cemetery mess, JD Vance, fake Ohio pet-napping and Loomer—confirm Trump as monumental scatterbrain?

Forests thrive when Indigenous people have legal stewardship of their land

The fate of intact forests is closely linked to that of Indigenous peoples.

Bernie Sanders calls out Big Pharma over exorbitant drug prices: Novo Nordisk’s $900+...

As Novo Nordisk rakes in billions, Sen. Bernie Sanders and public health advocates demand answers on why U.S. patients are charged sky-high prices for life-saving drugs like Ozempic while generics could sell for a fraction of the cost.