Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tag: Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act

Supreme Court dismisses Idaho abortion case without ruling

In a 6-3 decision, "justices issued separate concurring and dissenting opinions, suggesting division on the merits of Idaho’s argument."


Hold the panic—Two positive Dem scenarios emerge from the Biden debate debacle 

Either Biden reassures voters that exposed defects won’t impair four more years in power – or approval numbers plunge and he withdraws, thus opening the field.

The true catastrophe of our times

Or how to be destructive beyond compare

Supreme Court overturns Chevron doctrine, progressive democrats push for urgent legislative response

Supreme Court’s seismic decision strips federal agencies of interpretive authority, sparking immediate legislative action from progressive lawmakers to safeguard public health, labor rights, and environmental protections.

Monsanto drops lawsuits against Mexican government over its genetically modified corn ban

Several lawsuits were initiated in response to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador 2020 presidential decree, which aimed to ban glyphosate and genetically modified (GM) corn for human consumption.

Who you gonna believe, Biden loyalists or your own eyes and ears?

A political gaslighting operation by the Biden campaign and supportive pretenders who’ve been trying to erase history as soon as it happened.