Tag: Election 2016
And so it begins: Normalizing the election
The media must not excuse the racism, misogyny, nativism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia because we think Trump voters have legitimate gripes.
‘Shockingly stupid’: Trump to eliminate NASA climate research
"Chopping off science just to prevent people from talking about climate change won't work."
Bing Bing, Bong Bong, Bing Bing
It is important for us to continue to organize and mobilize across the country around populist issues and local campaigns.
A dying mule always kicks the hardest
Why Donald Trump's election means "we must work together for a Third Reconstruction in America."
Finally, a chance to remake the Democratic Party
The Democratic Party needs to become a cause more people want to fight for. In the midst of defeat, it has that chance.
Trump spokeswoman says Americans should ignore conflicts-of-interest, focus on Trump’s ‘sacrifice’
In his first week as president-elect, Trump used his new position to bolster his business interests.
We are all deplorables
The oligarchs and corporations, many of them proponents of political correctness, are our enemy.
‘Democracy Is Coming to the USA’
Trump’s unexpected election has created political space for a new agenda.