Tag: economy
Why Liberals Must Support Brexit
“As for the United Kingdom, it will be wise to stick to the referendum and leave the unaccountable, undemocratic and over-regulated EU that is flirting with imperial goals. Shaken but not stirred after Brexit, Great Britain will be just fine.”
Comes the Revolution
“In these modern times the economic system, Capitalism, seems to have evolved into a quasi-religious political belief system.”
Paul Ryan’s Economic Plan
“Never underestimate the power of dogma when propagandistically spread about among people who do not know much history.”
2008 All Over Again
“Britain’s withdrawal from the eurozone will damage not only the international banking system, but hamper Washington’s aggressive policies toward Russia and the Ukraine.”
Looming Brexit Mayhem Will Expose Disruptive TrumpThink
So, brace for reams of critical Brexit analysis, implying the UK cut off its nose to spite its face. And let’s never forget Trump’s high-risk, gambling world is “winning take all.” That means “losers gets nothing.” Hardly a great model for parenting, let alone large-scale, global business planning or trade or health for complex, modern nation-states. Gambling for adults works when betting disposable dollars on transient sporting events when the results are instantly known. Will voters in November here not add false flummery about Brexit shortfalls as another crack-brain spoke in Trump’s broken-down political wheelhouse?
More Chobani Capitalism, Please
Take it from the Tweezerman: Turning employees into owners is great for business.
The Real Reason Republicans are Going after the IRS
To understand why the IRS is under attack, follow the money.
Bringing Back Bill
“Hillary promises that her former-president husband will be put ‘in charge of revitalizing the economy.’”
Populists and Productivity
“The reality is that we don’t know for sure what is driving the productivity puzzle or whether it is a temporary phenomenon. ”
President Obama Finally Gets It Right on Expanding Social Security
A lot of U.S. citizens do not have a retirement savings and depend on social security when it is time to leave the workforce.