Tag: economy
Why is Washington still pushing the trans-pacific partnership?
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) embodies the stacked deck. It was negotiated in secret of, by and for the global corporations.
What Does It Take to Survive Where You Live?
A new report concludes that current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour doesn’t come close, anywhere in the United States.
Small Business Owners Take to the Letters Page to Take On...
Small business owners are speaking out against Donald Trump.
Elizabeth Warren Calls for President to Replace SEC Chair
Sen. Elizabeth Warren wrote a letter to President Obama urging the replacement of Mary Jo White as chairwoman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Wealthiest Nation on Earth? It’s Time to Dispel That Myth
The fires of this political movement to force this government to bring an end to this inequality have been ignited. We’ll see if those flames can be fanned and this movement sustained.
21st Century Amerika, A Reality Show
“As our cities and towns crumble, literally and financially, we are ready to anoint one of these two predators as the new stooge of empire.”
Jail Wells Fargo CEO and Chairman John Stumpf!
Stumpf’s actions were not merely “unethical” — they were criminal. And in the current system, he’ll not only get away with it, he'll profit more than handsomely.
If You Liked the Bush Economy, You’ll Love Trump’s Economy
Trump, like Bush, will attempt to grow the economy by giving corporations and upper class lower taxes.
The Death of Banks, Brokers and Credit Card Companies
What is unique and potentially revolutionary about a national blockchain currency is that it would eliminate the need for banks in the payments system.
Some Corporations are Wealthier and More Powerful than Some Countries
Corporations have too much power to influence society and government.