Tag: economy
The rising Chinese dream
The 21st century might very well be defined by the ascendant Chinese dream.
The public bank option – safer, local and half the cost
Public sector banks have shown that they are actually more profitable, safer, less corrupt, and more accountable overall than private banks.
2 or 3 things I know about Capitalism (with apologies to...
We either struggle and strive, by and any and all means, to end the system -- or it will end us.
In CNN’s tax debate, Bernie Sanders showed how Democrats can win...
By offering a bold vision of policies to help working families, Sanders voiced a popular alternative to Ted Cruz and the GOP’s barbarism.
Tax cuts for the rich, paid for with your health care
The plan to raid our health care is buried in the GOP tax scheme and budget process.
How our banking system destroys the free market
The foundation of an economy is money. And if the creation, value and availability of that money are controlled by few elites instead of a free market then it doesn’t matter how complex and a giant system we build.
How globalism works just like the mafia
The next twenty years may be the most significant in modern human history.
How could tax reforms impact charities and nonprofits?
With a higher standard deduction for most taxpayers, the average U.S. citizen might see some benefit from President Trump’s new tax plan.
The growing danger of dynastic wealth
The estate and capital gains taxes were originally designed to prevent the growth of large dynasties in the U.S. and to reduce inequality.
The costs of a casual job are now outweighing any pay...
The evidence on hourly wage differences leads us to conclude that casual workers are not being adequately compensated for the lack of paid leave, or for other forms of insecurity they face.