Tag: economy
Inequality social dysfunction and misery
Income and wealth inequality is not simply a monetary issue, it is a complex social crisis that supports and strengthens notions of superiority and inferiority, and was described by President Barak Obama in 2013 as “the defining challenge of our time.”
Bayer, Monsanto acquisition a go
On June 7 "one of the world's largest pesticide producers will be combined with the world's largest seed company."
To protect and serve… The empire
All those who are there to ‘Protect and Serve’ this empire will give us are more of the same: Hype, spin, lies and half-truths!
Creating right relationship
Collective harmony relies on there being right relationship with all living forms and the complex ecological patterns of life of this most beautiful world.
The taking of Millennial wealth by rich white Boomers
A booming economy? Yes, for the richest 10 percent, who took 85 percent of the new wealth.
Why the only answer is to break up the biggest Wall...
Why should banks ever be permitted to use peoples’ bank deposits – insured by the federal government – to place risky bets on the banks’ own behalf?
The Pentagon can’t account for $21 trillion (that’s not a typo)
It seems vaguely upsetting, but you forget about it 15 seconds later because … what else is there to do?
THE MONOPOLIZATION OF AMERICA: The biggest economic problem you’re hearing almost...
There’s only one answer: It is time to revive antitrust.
The oligarchs’ ‘guaranteed basic income’ scam
The longer the elites keep us in darkness with their ideological tricks and empty moralism, the longer we refuse to mobilize to break their grip on power, the worse it will get.
Time to eliminate your wall street tax?
“I would encourage readers to do their own research and discover how a public bank can tip the balance towards Main Street, rather than Wall Street, and help their small community banks at the same time.”