Tag: economy
Trump is America’s most dangerous export
Trump’s presidency has become America’s most dangerous export.
The truth about the Trump economy
Instead of an “economic boom,” most Americans are experiencing declines in all these dimensions of their lives.
Sharing is key to a new economic and democratic order
We are at the beginning of the Age of Sharing, but it will not be gifted to us.
New data paint an unpleasant picture of poverty in the US
The bad news is that poverty still exceeds the 11.3 percent rate of 2000 and far too many people are poor in a country that is so rich.
Hey! Democracy! Choices!
Our enlightened self-interest is at stake, the well-being of our children and grandchildren is in the balance. Let’s do right.
Does the United States have a ‘strong’ economy?
The bottom line: The economy that America’s rich run is doing quite well for America’s rich.
Retrospectives of the financial crisis are leaving out the most important...
It seems the only people not consulted for their perspective were those most powerfully affected by the crisis’ impact – the millions of families who suffered foreclosure and eviction.
There’s a new crash coming
Skyrocketing debt, Wall Street deregulation, a fraying social safety net, and a diminished dollar could soon leave the United States looking like Greece.
Ten years since economic collapse sparked Occupy Wall Street, the Cooperative...
“I think … we recognize we really haven’t done anything serious to deal with the causes of this crash.”