Tag: economy
Why retirement insecurity is the new American epidemic
Under the current, broken system, the rich feather their own nests at everyone else’s expense.
How CEOs behave like closet socialists
To deal with the many challenges we face today, the democratic principle must be extended from the political realm to the economic.
Why is Trump trying to kill a small agency with a...
Many Americans probably have never heard of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board. But they’re safer because of it.
Is there homelessness in our future?
The only solution to homelessness is a combination of providing for more low cost housing and boosting income.
A veteran’s case for canceling student debt and making higher education...
The G.I. Bill helped millions realize a future they otherwise may not have ever known. We can do the same again—on an even larger scale.
Trump is a brazen liar about Social Security
If Trump is re-elected, supporters of Social Security will be in for the fight of our lives.
Humans love violence: Gandhi and the world economic forum
‘Earth provides enough for every person’s need but not for every person’s greed.’
How Trump’s trade policies failed workers
Bad trade costs millions of American jobs. Trump’s brand of deal-making won’t bring them back.
How economic despair drives workers to their deaths
Corporate executives and Senate Republicans refuse to do the right thing, even if that means fueling Americans’ despair and sending more workers to early graves.
Four reasons why millennials don’t have any money
If we don’t start trying to reduce this generational wealth gap millions of young Americans will struggle to find financial security for the rest of their lives.