Friday, January 10, 2025

Tag: economy

Moscow accuses US of waging ‘economic war’ gainst Russia

"Blanket sanctions against the Russian economy are having an effect," notes Robert Reich. "But the burden has fallen mostly on ordinary Russians, many of whom have already suffered from Putin's brutal regime."

‘Just short of nuclear’: The latest financial sanctions will cripple Russia’s...

The financial measures just announced against Russia are unprecedented for a country of its size.

How union drives in Mexico help workers on both sides of...

These are vital, promising steps under the USMCA, which requires Mexico to enforce the labor rights needed to lift up workers there and, in turn, level the playing field for workers north of the border.

Why the Freedom Convoy is more American than Canadian

Conservatives in the United States have fallen in love with the fringe Conservatives in the United States have fallen in love with the fringe protests led by Canadian truckers. It is a cause that unites the libertarian and extremist wings of the GOP and offers a new front in the culture wars to mobilize right-wing forces.

Can monthly cash payments make our economy more equitable?

Two guaranteed income projects in New York City and Atlanta are showing how modest monthly cash payments to low-income women of color can make a huge difference in alleviating race and gender-based economic inequities.

How a cooperative run by the formerly incarcerated is reshaping Chicago’s...

Megacorporations tend to dominate food contracting with schools and other large facilities in America. In Chicago, Black formerly incarcerated people are prepping locally sourced meals for schools, nursing homes and transitional housing facilities.

Exposing the massive hypocrisy of international insurance companies

Despite the pro-climate rhetoric of the insurance industry—and warnings by the world’s climate scientists calling for an end to fossil fuel exploration—leading...

Why the voting rights struggle is a tipping point for American...

E.J. Jenkins vividly recalls the day his mom worked a voter registration drive at a grocery store in Gary, Indiana, and followed...

How Joe Manchin betrayed America’s working families

Ed Barnette long ago realized that affordable child care and paid sick leave, among other resources, would be essential to helping West...

Worshiping markets, genuflecting to grand fortune

Our conventional political wisdom, here in the United States, tends to see utopians as lefty egalitarians of one sort or another, clueless...


Phoenix places 10th on worst zoo List, pledges to shut down elephant exhibit

Phoenix Zoo’s decision is part of a growing trend among zoos across North America with about 40 zoos closing their elephant exhibits and many more pledging to close their exhibits.

The Santa Ana by Joan Didion

Written by Joan Didion, The Santa Ana ("Los Angeles Notebook"/Slouching Towards Bethlehem) was published in The Saturday Evening Post in 1965.

LA wildfires destroy homes as insurers abandon policyholders in high-risk areas

Insurance companies pull out of fire-prone areas, leaving homeowners scrambling for coverage amid record-breaking climate disasters.

Can nonviolent struggle defeat a dictator? This database emphatically says yes

The Global Nonviolent Action Database details some 40 cases of mass movements overcoming tyrants through strategic nonviolent campaigns.

GOP attack on Medicaid puts millions of Americans at risk of losing coverage

Republicans push Medicaid cuts that could leave millions without health coverage.