Tag: Democrats
Hillary and Bernie Both Take Home Primary Victories
Hillary Clinton wins New Jersey and California, but Bernie vows to fight on.
Bringing Back Bill
“Hillary promises that her former-president husband will be put ‘in charge of revitalizing the economy.’”
Most Of Oregon’s Newly Registered Voters Won’t Be Able to Participate...
In order to vote in Oregon’s primaries, you have to be registered as a Democrat or Republican. If you are marked as “unaffiliated” which is what the DMV has been marking voters.
Bernie Sanders on Colbert Explains Why He Still Has a Chance
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders performs a sketch alongside Colbert and talks delegate math.
First Democratic Convention Abolishes Superdelegates
The Maine Democratic Party just eliminated the superdelegate.
Burn Pits, Climate Change and the US Military
While it’s obvious that the Democratic candidates are much better on these issues than the four Republicans still seeking their party’s nomination, the media needs to take a share of the blame for so rarely bringing up the topic.
The Bernie Campaign: The Democratic Party’s Biggest Insurrection in Decades
Genuinely progressive candidates can inspire and galvanize -- and sometimes they can even win. But election campaigns, especially national ones, are almost always boom/bust.
Who Lost the White Working Class?
Nothing in politics is ever final. Democrats could still win back the white working class – putting together a coalition of the working class and poor, of whites, blacks, and Latinos.
The Most Critically Important Issue in this Election; Taking our Country...
This upcoming election is an important one for U.S. citizens. It is time to take back democracy with equal opportunities and fairness.