Tag: Democrats
House passes Climate Action Now bill in first major climate change...
Three Republicans voted with House Democrats to approve the Climate Action Now bill – the first major climate change legislation in a decade.
These 2020 candidates are the darlings of Wall Street. The numbers...
Even as these candidates vocally reject corporate America, their latest fundraising reports show corporate America hasn't rejected them.
Chomsky: By focusing on Russia, Democrats handed Trump a ‘huge gift’...
The Democrats aren’t going after the real issues. They’re looking for something else – the Democratic establishment.
Dem Party sets new record for announced candidates: Chaos anticipated.
The Office of Public Office Monitoring (OPO) announced this morning that at the present time, 8,253,667 individuals have announced their candidacy for the Democratic Nomination for President of the United States.
House approves Save the Internet Act, votes to restore net neutrality
"The Save the Internet Act ensures that consumers have control over their Internet experience, rather than Internet service providers [controlling that experience]."
The DCCC ‘blacklist’ and the progressive struggle to transform the Democratic...
Future candidates who are able follow the model provided by AOC, Pressley and others have the potential to transform the party to be more responsive to voters’ concerns from healthcare to climate change over what will likely be an ongoing process that takes years to complete.
Beto O’Rourke, the (center) right choice in 2020?
While he has his appeal, Beto O’Rourke seems to be more of the same kind of centrist that has dominated the Democratic Party since at least the 1980s.
Pelosi and McConnell: Cranking up bipartisan madness for NATO
Only public education, activism, protests and a wide range of political organizing have the potential to disrupt and end the reflexive support for NATO in Washington.
While McConnell tries to rush Green New Deal vote, Senate Democrats...
"This is about our lives, and this should not be partisan. Science should not be partisan."
With help of Democrats, regulators move to gut ‘last line of...
"We are barely a decade from the greatest fiasco of financial over-leveraging in history, and we are already unlearning its most obvious lessons."