Tag: Democrat socialists
Time for Democrats to stand and deliver or admit they want...
Until a real workers’ party comes along, it’s the only thing standing in the way of a full-on Christo-fascist government, and it can’t even do that if it won’t take these kinds of s
America rejects Trumpism
The vast majority of Americans are now anti-establishment, and understandably so.
Socialists practice internal democracy, endorse Cynthia Nixon – and the media is...
Mainstream outlets can’t stop writing about how the DSA’s endorsement of Cynthia Nixon was a model of democracy in action, unlike the Democratic Party.
What Joe Crowley’s defeat has to do with Democratic Party ‘superdelegates’
The defeat of Crowley shows how grass-roots movements can prevail against the corporate establishment and its vast quantities of cash.
How to cover a revolution
The mainstream political press had all but ignored Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her groundbreaking campaign.