Tag: corporations
Corporate Tax “Shell Game” Report: $718 Billion Of Corporate Tax-Dodging
The solution is for Congress to end the “deferral” loophole and make these companies just pay the taxes they owe.
If You Liked the Bush Economy, You’ll Love Trump’s Economy
Trump, like Bush, will attempt to grow the economy by giving corporations and upper class lower taxes.
Fooled Again
We have once more been baited and hooked by the corporate elites who look upon the electorate as malleable and disposable.
Five Deadly Sins of Big Pharma
Patriotism is a beautiful thing to corporations when it protects their profits.
Some Corporations are Wealthier and More Powerful than Some Countries
Corporations have too much power to influence society and government.
The War on Weed Part II: Monsanto, Bayer, and the Push...
Why are powerful corporations, like Monsanto, suddenly backing the legalization of cannabis?
TransCanada’s $15 Billion Suit Against U.S. Is Corporate Nationhood At Its...
TransCanada’s lawsuit has revealed now, perhaps more than ever, the degree to which NAFTA nations make and enforce laws explicitly suited for corporate gain – not communities, the environment or the global climate.
We Must Understand Corporate Power to Fight It
All predatory systems of power seek to mask their ultimate aims. As they become more repressive, they become more deceptive. They silence dissidents and bombard the airwaves with lies. Those who effectively resist have to peel back the layers of deceit to understand the intentions of the elites.
Is This The Return Of U.S. ‘Gunboat Diplomacy’ Serving Corporations?
Has the “Swiss” firm Novartis becomes the 21st-century version of United Fruit and ITT?
Hillary Clinton Agrees with the Citizens United Decision
“As Greenwald said, Hillary’s the very model of the type of politician that the five Republicans on the U.S. Supreme Court were trying to empower. The suckers whose votes she gets are fooled merely by her labeling herself a ‘Democrat’ and slinging the type of bumper-sticker phrases that draw Democratic suckers instead of Republican ones.”