Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tag: corporate greed

Carly Fiorina Proves You Don’t Want a CEO for a President

Carly Fiorina personifies corporate greed and economic inequality claiming that “running government like a business” would be a positive. Who actually thinks she belongs in the White House?

The Go-to Guy for Corporate Moochers

Scott Walker is a proven budget whacker giving corporations the goldmine, while students get the shaft. So when a corporation wants public money, Walker is their go-to-guy.

How Not to Give Employees a Raise

One CEO wants to give his workers a raise, but in doing so, he would like to receive corporate subsidies. Wait, he actually wants us taxpayers to give money to rich corporations so they can pay their employees?

Prosecute US Companies Who Hire Illegal Immigrant Workers to the Fullest...

Who is primarily responsible for facilitating a steady inflow of illegal immigrants into our country? The guilty parties include a huge number of U.S. companies and our own government.

Peace and the Ideology of Greed and Division

Cooperation, tolerance and, crucially, sharing the worlds resources equitably amongst the people of the world, these would go a long way towards establishing social justice and trust, which in turn would help facilitate peace.

The Outrageous Ascent of CEO Pay

It's time we start pushing companies to put less money into the hands of their CEOs and more into the hands of their average employees. Not only will it create more jobs, it will actually help corporations.

‘Proud Partners’ Corporatize Our Parks

Why are our presidents so good at praising America's national park system, but lousy at maintaining it? Now Park Service officials have begun the "corporatization" process starting with "co-branding" agreements with national parks.

How Big Corporations Cheat Public Education

Corporations have been reaping the benefits of public education in the U.S. for more than 60 years and instead, are "skipping out on the taxes meant to sustain the educational system." Guess who suffers from repeated school cutbacks?

Monsanto Hits All the Wrong Notes

In his new album called "The Monsanto Years," Neil Young takes on the the corporate giant for its relentless attempts to profiteer at human expense. And there is no intimidating, buying out, censoring, or escaping this cultural power.

Where are the Best and the Brightest When America Desperately Needs...

The U.S. needs an innovative leader who is ready to take on the myriad of problems the country has and lead citizens to a more positive future. We do not need politicians who are motivated and influenced by those in the corporate world.


GOP’s Medicaid cuts plan draws widespread backlash as experts warn of devastating consequences

Leaked GOP plan shows intent to strip millions of Americans of healthcare access.

The Santa Ana by Joan Didion

Written by Joan Didion, The Santa Ana ("Los Angeles Notebook"/Slouching Towards Bethlehem) was published in The Saturday Evening Post in 1965.

Why not buy Israel, engulf it as a colony/state, then sell Ukraine to cover...

No one takes arms to protect Panama’s billions in unfair trade from our Canal. What other southern sh-t-hole place roars against the mightiest lion on earth?

LA wildfire victims face exploitation as landlords hike rents in violation of emergency laws

As wildfires devastate Los Angeles, landlords face accusations of illegal rent hikes, with tenant advocates calling for urgent government intervention.

Supreme Court urged to hear youth climate case after 43 lawmakers back constitutional challenge

Lawmakers support youth-led lawsuit demanding government accountability on climate policies.