Tag: China
The Chinese solar juggernaut that Donald Trump can’t stop (video)
India is now the third-largest solar market after China and the US. Will it use Chinese panels and other technology? Or American?
China to ban ivory trade by the end of the year
China had already committed to banning ivory trade, but committing to a timetable of action has really surprised many.
In historic move, China announces ban on ivory trade by end...
More than 20,000 elephants were killed for their ivory last year, leaving only about 415,000 remaining.
China’s top grain producing province bans GM crops
Growing of GM corn, rice and soybean will be banned, while illegal production and sales of GM crops and supply of their seeds will also be prohibited.
Trump’s Chinese scapegoat
If Trump continues down his current path, the US economy will suffer.
Big Profits Seen for China’s Wind Energy Companies
The backward and often scientifically illiterate US Congress can barely bring itself to allow a tax write-off for wind turbines each year, disrupting the industry here with uncertainty.
American Power at the Crossroads
Earth is no longer the property of the globe’s “sole superpower.”
China’s Tiger Farms Make Poaching Worse
Tiger farming stimulates the demand for tiger products, which stimulates the poaching of wild tigers for superior products.
As Obama Meets With G20, American Steel Workers Are Losing Jobs
Too much steel there, too little demand here; a country that sees itself as a country, not a “market,” versus countries that refuse to see themselves as countries.
Chinese Activists Stop Truck Transporting 300 Dogs to be Slaughtered
A mob of activists prevented 300 dogs from being illegally transported to a slaughterhouse in northeastern China.