Tag: ceo
In the last 40 years CEO pay has risen by 937%...
America’s inequality problem continues to be the worst in the industrialized world.
Carly Fiorina Proves You Don’t Want a CEO for a President
Carly Fiorina personifies corporate greed and economic inequality claiming that “running government like a business” would be a positive. Who actually thinks she belongs in the White House?
The Outrageous Ascent of CEO Pay
It's time we start pushing companies to put less money into the hands of their CEOs and more into the hands of their average employees. Not only will it create more jobs, it will actually help corporations.
A Corporate Apostate
Not only did Mark Bertolini, corporate chief of the health insurance giant Aetna, increase the company's lowest wage to $16 an hour and improve health benefits, he publicly revealed that these increases aren’t as financially painful as other corporate conglomerates claim.