Tag: capitalism
Where American Socialism and Capitalism Blend Together Perfectly
Socialism is a word a lot of citizens fear, but Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, military and other social programs administered by the U.S. government are all socialistic aid the U.S. uses.
Higher Education: Capitalism at Its Most Despicable
Public colleges have long been expected to benefit from academic research. But that all changed in 1980 with the Bayh-Dole Act. Now universities are more deeply entrenched in the capitalist world—a true degradation of higher education.
Plain Radical: Living, Loving and Learning to Leave the Planet Gracefully
Crony capitalism, corporate personhood and too-big-to-fail corporations are the biggest problems in today’s economy. Robert Jensen's new book offers an honest economic analysis, which critiques capitalism.
Why So Many Americans Defend the Failed Capitalist Experiment
Members of the sinking middle class in our pathologically unequal society may well find it convenient to blame people in lower economic classes, who are unlikely to fight back. It's a game for the people looking down on a troubled nation.
What Happened to the Moral Center of American Capitalism?
“We can have huge wealth in the hands of a relatively few people or we can have a democracy. But we can’t have both.” We need to get big money out of politics.
The Evidence Keeps Pouring In: Capitalism Just Isn’t Working
Everything is a potential market to the capitalist, but it's time to end the suffering of ordinary Americans, which is very good for the profit margins, and make human life a top concern.
Evoking the Wrath of Nature
Capitalism has placed monetary profit above the maintenance of life. "Ignoring the warnings of native communities, we have evoked the deadly wrath of nature. And I fear we may not be able to find our way back."
Great Embarrassments of an Unequal Society
The U.S. has experienced "gush-up" rather than "trickle-down" with the message of "winner-take-all" wealth over the common good. The shame is on the adherents of unregulated free-market capitalism—Congress.
Karl Marx Was Right
Karl Marx understood that the idea of capitalism would work only in the utopian mind of a true believer, but never in reality. And as predicted, wealth is now concentrated in the hands of a tiny elite—Marx was right all along.
VIDEO: Ten Ideas to Save the Economy #6: End Corporate Welfare...
While corporations aren’t people, they don't deserve handouts or our "hard-earned" dollars for no reason. No more crony capitalism—It's time we end corporate welfare for good.