Tag: big oil
As New York takes Exxon to court, Big Oil’s strategy against...
“Through the 2000s and 2010s, ExxonMobil used proxies, employed other indirect means, and itself continued to make statements that cast doubt on the role of fossil fuels in causing climate change.”
Government loophole sacrificed $18 billion to Big Oil
The loophole dates back to a 1995 law that urged companies to drill in the Gulf of Mexico by offering oil companies a break from paying royalties on the oil produced.
10 ways that the climate crisis and militarism are intertwined
The environmental justice movement that is surging globally is intentionally intersectional, showing how global warming is connected to issues such as race,...
Database reveals how much pollution Big Oil’s top execs are responsible...
“The rich have profited for so long from a fossil fuel economy that they’re obviously going to be the ones to try and block change."
The ‘historical jigsaw of climate deception’: Private notes show how Big...
“These documents are another stain on the fossil fuel industry's track-record as a disingenuous rogue agent in climate science and politics.”
US government knew climate risks in 1970s, National Petroleum Council documents...
“It’s not just Exxon. This is industry-wide knowledge of the fact that the fossil fuel industry’s products were going to cause climate change, and that was going to have damaging side effects for the world.”
Trump’s push for offshore oil drilling
Offshore oil drilling: regularly disastrous – and unnecessary.
An illustrated history of what big oil knew about climate change...
“Today much is being discovered about the history of fossil fuel producers, their knowledge of climate science, and their promulgation of disinformation to the public and policymakers.”
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe renews legal challenge against DAPL
“The Dakota Access Pipeline represents a clear and present danger to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and its people, and we will continue to fight until the Corps complies with the law.”
Big Oil spends record millions to defeat the nation’s first carbon...
Washington state currently ranks fifth in the nation in crude oil refining capacity for making gasoline and other petroleum products.