Tag: Bernie Sanders
Nine Numbers That Cry Out: “Bring On Socialism!”
Socialism -- or at least social consciousness -- allows us to understand that the most tangible form of 'terror' is in the lives and minds of destitute and homeless Americans.
Bernie Sanders on Trump: He’s a ‘Pathological Liar’
Ignoring Hillary for now, Bernie Sanders focuses his criticism on the lead GOP candidate, Donald Trump.
BREAKING: DNC Restores Bernie Sanders’ Access to Voter’s Files
The DNC and Bernie Sanders have come to an agreement that will allow the immediate release of voter files back to the Sanders' campaign.
Sanders Report Finds Skyrocketing Drug Prices Cost Taxpayers $1.4 Billion
“It is unacceptable that Americans pay, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs,” asserted Sanders.
BREAKING: DNC Deals Devastating Blow to Bernie Sanders’ Campaign
The DNC has suspended Bernie Sanders' campaign from accessing the master list of voter information. Without access, Sanders' campaign could potentially be crippled beyond repair.
Recent Poll Shows Bernie Sanders Ranks Above all Republican Candidates
Bernie Sanders may still be behind Hillary Clinton, but he far outranks even the most popular Republican candidates.
Tightening Race Between Sanders and Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire
Although still behind, Bernie Sanders is showing strong numbers in Iowa. Analysts say it may come down to the turnout come voting day.
Bernie Sanders Seeks to Cut Carbon Emissions by 80%
“What the scientists tell us is that we have a relatively short window of opportunity to bring about the fundamental changes that we need in our global energy system to transform our energy system."
Bernie Sanders Visits the Neighborhood Where Freddie Gray was Murdered
Senator Sanders likened what he saw in the impoverished area to a Third World country: “Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you are in a wealthy nation."
The Sanders Polling Anomaly
New polling shows that Sanders presents Democratic voters with the existential choice of attempting to at least start digging out of the corrupt plutocracy, or instead burrowing in even deeper with another Clinton.