Tag: animal rights
Investigation reveals EU exported animals are being abused and kept in...
The animals are kicked, thrown and beaten before being slaughtered.
President Obama denies all permits for dangerous testing in the Atlantic
The government estimates over 138,000 marine mammals, including dolphins and whales, would be injured and disturbed if seismic airgun blasting in the Atlantic were to take place.
China to ban ivory trade by the end of the year
China had already committed to banning ivory trade, but committing to a timetable of action has really surprised many.
Colorado to kill 45 mountain lions and 75 black bears so...
“The scientific consensus is clear and compelling—predator control is a costly and ineffective management tool to increase mule deer populations.”
Hunter who helped kill Cecil the Lion gets charges dropped
A Zimbabwe court drops charges against the local hunter who led dentist Walter Palmer to the famous lion.
Oil Drilling in the Arctic Ocean and off the Atlantic Coast...
With this plan, it will be hard for the current President-elect to come in a change or alter the policy.
New Jersey to become first U.S. state to ban declawing of...
The procedure is considered to be physically and mentally painful for cats, which is why it might soon be banned in New Jersey.
Oil from BP spill has officially entered the food chain
The first signs of Deepwater Horizon oil were found in blue crab larvae in 2010. Oil likely entered the food chain through zooplankton
Video shows wild buffalo held without food or water near Dakota...
Reports claim that the buffalo are being held without access to food or water.
The nasty fallout from North Carolina’s powerful hog industry
What smells more -- the politics or the pigs?