Monday, September 16, 2024

President Hillary Clinton’s Middle East Policy: Interventions, Wars, More of Same

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will bring substantial foreign policy expertise to the thorny issues happening around the world. But will she get the U.S. heavily involved in the region again?

Ukraine: Putin Slams the Door in NATO’s Face

Ukraine has caused the United States, the superpower country, to be challenged by Russia. This shift in power seems to be a reality check for the U.S. whose military might not be in control of Europe and Eurasia regions any longer.

America Being Crushed by a Mountain of Escalating Debt

The U.S. and its citizens are inundated with massive debt as a nation, government, and society. It seems like an impossibility to get this issue under control, especially when a majority of funding goes directly to endless wars.

Army Apologizes to Troops Exposed to US-Designed Chemical Weapons in Iraq

After it was reported that more than 600 service members suffered from chemical exposure in Iraq, the undersecretary of the Army issued an apology this week. The scandal goes deeper with its lack of proper medical treatment for these service members.

The Costs of War, the Price of Peace

A new report, "Body Count", asserts that up to 1.3 million people have been killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan in the first 10 years of the so-called war on terror. When will the cost of war be too much even for the people making money off of it?

President Obama Drones On And On; Ranks Of New Terrorists Swell

What will President Obama be known for in future history books? It could be for some positive changes he made for his citizens or it could be for his poor decision to open the door to drone warfare.

Desperate People, Hazardous Escapes

Conditions in some countries are so abysmal, its residents are deciding to flee their homelands for the possibility of opportunity and freedom. Unfortunately, upon arrival to the U.S., a ‘migrant detention center’ awaits them with horrible treatment.

The Drums of War Thunder Across America – And the World

The threat of war in the U.S. leaves American citizens in a state of frustration along with the rest of the world. Those who hold the power in the U.S. government, however, are far from war-weary.

Will Europe Obediently Follow the US into a Catastrophic War?

The EU has the opportunity to avoid taking the same steps the U.S. did when it comes to war. They have the opportunity to move in a positive direction and reject the dictates of Washington. But will they?

As Its Domestic Foundations Rapidly Erode, the U.S. Pursues World Domination

The United States, originally founded on standards of ethics and morality, is currently on its way to world domination. Unfortunately, American citizens are left feeling helpless and struggling financially and the path U.S. government is taking will make it worse.