Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 70 Years After the Atomic Bombs Were Dropped

While devastation and suffering came from those two awful bomb blasts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a nuclear abolition movement was born that still wages a peaceful campaign to eliminate these weapons.

Requiem for the Home Front

Tom Engelhardt tells a little story about a bottle, a message, time, war (American-style), his mother and himself. Here's to Irma the caricaturist.

The Greatest Threat to America: Domestic Terrorism

The U.S. government makes it a priority to chase down and hunt suspected terrorists throughout the world, but does not look within its own country. Acts of terror are occurring every day on U.S. streets, like mass shootings and murder, with very little government focus.

Future Shock: China, Russia Target Europe as Economic Partner

China and Russia appear to be joining forces in order to pursue economic endeavors in Europe and Asia. If this happens, and it is likely that it will, what will happen to the United States?

President Obama Joins Forces with Corporate America and the GOP

President Obama comes off as serious, low drama, and personable, but Corporate America has definitely got the best of him. Obamacare, the TPP, and the never ending war the U.S. is responsible for proves he and his government are easy manipulated.

U.S. Global Hegemony Knows No Bounds

The U.S. government is acting in an aggressive manner towards the rest of the world as if to achieve world domination and power. War and militaristic action are how they plan to achieve this goal and have been using these tactics for years.

How America Invites Terrorism

Maybe it's time we inform our soldiers of their likely roles in the killing machine, because war does not bring freedom. Instead, it invites young men and women to start on their own personal worlds of terror.

U.S. in the Middle East: Where You Don’t Belong You Must Not Stay

The U.S. should not be in the Middle East, but the U.S. government will not be pulling out troops when there is still oil and natural gas there. At some point in time, other countries will get so tired of this endless war they will step in to put an end to it.

China and America: Polar Opposites

The United States and China are polar opposites when it comes to many things like war, the economy, and power. The U.S. was once the economic power of the world, but China seems to be flourishing while the U.S. is diminishing.

America’s Control Over the World Is Rapidly Eroding

The U.S. government has angered many countries because of their long history of highly aggressive military actions, but there seems to be no plan of stopping. It would be smart to listen to the other countries and simmer down in the military department before it is too late.